
My name is Bastien Saidi. I grew up in Aix-En-Provence, France and Dublin, Ireland, and am studying a Bsc in computational social science at University College Dublin (UCD).

My main focus is software development, mainly embedded/low-level programming. My other big interest is backend development with frontend programming and reverse engineering. Through my work I have also learned computer networking and systems administration.

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My Projects

Over time, I've actively participated in and contributed to numerous projects. At this link, you can explore my contributions on GitHub

While I have many more projects than I could post on there, here are some projects that I currently feel proud of.

  • NovelTranslates

    The only Webnovel translator on the market that keeps the translation consistent (pronouns, tone, style of writing), using LLMs but without using large context windows or keeping the full story in context. (Link).
  • BrigaidNet

    Developped FPGA / ESP32 based optical transceivers capable of sending data through lasers at high bandwidth. (Link) (startup)
  • GraceAI

    An AI engine that helps recruiters identify legal issues in hiring remote workers, such as PE risks, tax implications, and labor law breaches. (Link) (hackathon)
  • LumiiOS

    Reversed engineer the Lunii Kids Storyteller (STM32). This PyPi library facilitates reading and interacting with encrypted stories from your Lunii device. (Link)

My Blog

I will try post them as they come, but no promises!
